How do you determine salaries?

See the "Salary Grading" document under Personnel.  

What is our hiring process?  How do people apply for jobs?

See the Personnel section of Human Resources and Accounting for our hiring process. Prospective applicants send resumes to North Point electronically. We do not have a centralized personnel office. The hiring manager handles the hiring. Each applicant must complete a resume, an application, and a Taylor-Johnson temperament assessment.

Do we perform background checks?

Yes! Background checks are completed on all staff and volunteers working directly with children.

What accounting software do you use?

We use Sage 300 for our accounting needs.

Do you perform an audit or review, and if so, why?

Yes. We have an outside audit firm come in once a year to perform an audit and review of our financial statements and internal controls. Because we are a nondenominational church, it is essential for us to have an independent audit of our financial statements for accountability.

What is your budget process?  What is the structure of your budget?

See the budget section of HR and Accounting.

How many people do you have working in accounting?  How many total staff?

We have six full-time employees working in accounting with a distribution of duties including accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger accounting, payroll, and monthly financial statement production. As of April 2022, we have 445 total staff, excluding our WeekDay Preschool staff.

What percentage of your budget goes towards salaries and benefits?

We currently have 47 percent of our operating budget going toward salaries and benefits.

Did you use debt to originally acquire your property?

Yes. We believe it is biblically permissible to make wise use of debt. We did so to purchase the original property and to build Phase 1 of NPCC. Basically, we borrowed $8.5 million for a project that was valued over $15 million. Additional buildings and parking lots were added to Phase 1 with short-term debt.

How do you share your financial information with your congregation?

We provide progressively more information according to a person's engagement with our organization.