
Parent Connect exists to inspire parents of LGBTQ+ children to follow Jesus by providing a safe environment where they can experience community and personal growth.

Why is this important for your church?

In the local church, more and more lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) loved ones are coming out to parents and family members about their sexuality and/or gender identity. While many LGBTQ+ loved ones who come out have been processing this information for years, their coming out often signifies the beginning of a painful and confusing journey for their parents. For most parents, it can be a very lonely journey. Ours should be the last generation of parents and families in the local church to go through this experience feeling isolated and without hope. 

As a local church, you can provide direction and hope to the parents of LGBT+ children who are navigating this challenging journey. Because of a Parent Connect group, they are not navigating it alone.

As you considering launching Parent Connect, here are two helpful tips:

  • As a church: Ensure you have buy-in from your church leadership prior to launching Parent Connect. It’s important for your Lead Pastor, Executive Team, Elders, etc. to be aware of Parent Connect. While it isn’t about theology, but about parents loving their LGBTQ+ loved ones well, you don’t want anyone surprised that you have this ministry. 

  • With the group: Be patient with the parents in Parent Connect. They can only take in so much because they are grieving and navigating many things. Learning is slow and if you go too fast, you will lose them. 

Details of Parent Connect

Here are some details about a Parent Connect Group:

  • Group meets monthly typically in the mentor's home. 

  • Groups can probably be larger than you expect. We have some groups that have up to 30 people, but often about half of them show up each month. The smallest group recommended would be 6–7 regular attendees. 

  • A typical group night consists of a light dinner with fellowship (helps to set a casual, relaxed atmosphere), any new parents sharing their story, any updates, and a discussion around a topic applicable to the group such as if they have to choose their child or Jesus, grief, guilt, letting go of their rights, etc. 

  • The mentors have a curriculum guide; however, the participants do not have materials.